
How long did you breastfeed your baby? ?

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My son is 18 months old and i'm still breastfeeding him. Not very often, but still once or twice a day. When people find out, they seem very surprised. I plan on weening him when he is about 2.




  1. I could only do it exclusively for 3 weeks as she was just starving, even though people say you will produce enough milk for your baby, for some reason I just didn't. People are probably just surprised that you have been able to do it for so long. I don't see why anyone would judge you, it is your right : )

  2. I agree with the others, don't worry about other people! What a fantastic job you've done. I only fed my LO for 4.5mths and am still sad about weaning and its been 2 months. I can only hope to be able to BF my next as long as you have!  

  3. Go girl!  I weaned my daughter sooner than she wanted to be, just after her 1st bday.  My son weaned himself at 9 months.  You know best what's healthy for both of you.  

  4. I was devastated when I dried up when my son was only 4 months old. Otherwise I would've nursed until he self-weaned when he was ready. GOOD FOR YOU for going so long!! You're doing your child a great service. Personally, I would keep at it until she choose to wean herself. And yes, it will happen. Children will wean themselves at 18-24 months, usually, with the occasional child going as long as 4 years and still nursing on occasion for security.

  5. I solely breastfed my daughter for the first 3 weeks.  Then my milk started diminishing so I combined breast with formula feeds.  My milk totally went by the time my baby was 10 weeks old.  She's 19 weeks old now.

  6. I stopped at 14 months. He was ready and I was ready and it was so easy to stop at the point.  Thats how I knew I was ready.

    I would be willing to go to 2 but I didnt need to.. I wouldnt want to go further than that though. My son is 2 now and is so independent I couldnt imagine trying to nurse him!

  7. I only did it for 2 weeks because he wasn't accepting of it at all. Typically it's 1 year and I think it's a preference thing. If you have a child with teeth like crazy who bites you don't want to do it for that long. As long as you are going to stick to your 2 year mark, I think that's fine but I will say that it won't be as easy to wean a 2 year old from anything as it would be to wean a 1 year old. It's gets a little weird after 2 years though and then everyone will be referring you to those daytime TV shows. Seriously if it's working for you and you plan to stop at 2; ignore peoples surprise because it doesn't matter. Best wishes.

  8. good on you. Dont let people make you feel bad about it. what you are doing is best for your baby! I am still breast feeding and plan to do it for at least a year but Im thinking I might go until about 2 aswell.  

  9. I wish I could have breastfed longer. My son quit taking it at 8 weeks. I tried to pump so that he could at least get the "good stuff" but he wouldn't take it from a bottle either. Eventually, I just dried up. I was so upset about it.

    Good for you though! Personally, I wouldn't have gone much past a year--but if you're comfortable with it--keep at it. Ignore what other people say.  

  10. I breastfed my daughter until she was 9 months (she self weaned I was hoping to go for a year).  I breastfed my son until he was 19months.   I say good for you trying to go until 2 years.  That's great!

  11. My daughter is nursing and she is 22 months.  She can stop when she's ready!  :)

    Good for you!!!!!!!  Ignore others who give you a hard time, since they just aren't educated on the benefits of breast milk.  If you want, you can refer them to this article!

  12. Good for you! my baby is 8 months and people have been telling me I should wean since about 5 months! I have no plans of stopping anytime soon though.

  13. I think you should breast feed as long as you are comfortable, forget what others think. Check out the La Leche league web site below.

  14. This is between you and your baby!  

    I had people give me a hard time, and I just learned to ignore them!  

    My first was weened at 17 months, the middle two were weened at 22 months, my 4th at 26 months.  

    Congratulations on breastfeeding as long as possible.  NOTHING wrong with still feeding from the breast!

  15. i wish i can breastfeed my girl longer. i had to stop at 5.5 mths  because i am pregnant again. my gynae advised me to stop as it could cause premature delivery n miscarriage,god forbid. i still have lots of milk though my girl is 7 months now i and just breastfeed her because i still get engorgement sometimes.i guess once or twice in between 3 days wun hurt.other times she'll just take formula n food.

  16. You're doing great! I hope my son will want to nurse for that long! Ignore what others say!

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