
How long did you date your girlfriend before you married her?

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How long did you date your girlfriend before you married her?




  1. my hubby and i dated for 11 months before we got married.and we have been married for 5 years.

  2. First wife...3 weeks it lasted 8 years...we split because I wanted kids and she did not...Second wife...3 weeks...its been 5 years...I don't think she will go anywhere...2 kids and one more on the way...Take Care

  3. when we were 15-16, we dated a little over a month, then at 18, we dated a month before he proposed, and got married a month after that. we are going on 10 years this november and have 4 kids

  4. My fiance and I dated 5 and 1/2 years before he proposed on Valentines Day.  We are being married in 2 weeks!!

  5. I would wait until the time felt right, but wait for at least 1-2 years.  You need time to get to know a person.

  6. 8 years. Now I have been with her for 28 and have decided that while opposites may attrack, things have finally come to the end of the line. She can't stand me and I can't stand her . Now the problem is , we will both have to lower our lifestyles if we split up . It socks .

  7. well i am the "girlfriend" but we will be together for 4 years when we get married next june

  8. I'm the wife, but I'll answer anyway. :)

    My husband and I dated 6 months, then moved in together.

    Lived together for 9 months, then he proposed.

    Engaged 3 months, then married.

    So, we were together for a total of 18 months before getting married.  We've been married almost 2 years, and we're extremely happy. :)  Waiting is good, but if you know what you want, just go for it!

  9. My husband and i were together 10 months when we got married and we have been happily married 17+yrs.

  10. We dated for 11 months, then I proposed and we're to marry on 3-21-09. So in total 20 months from beginning to date till wedding.

  11. my bf(now hubby) dated for 3yrs he proposed but only b/c i wanted we broke it off...then i have him another chance he proposed again 2yrs later after showing me he was ready!!!

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