
How long did you have to wait? i'm nervous?

by  |  earlier

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i took the first response (the test that can detect early pregnancy) today, 4 days before my period is supposed to start. it was negative. and i'm very sad because i've been having symptons for a few days now. (tender brests, lower backaches, cramps, constipation).

i was wondering if anyone took first response, and if it was positive 4 days before missed period?

do i still have a good chance of being pregnant?




  1. Yeah, I used first response and got a positive at 10 dpo, or 4 days before my period was due. But, a negative doesn't necessarily mean you aren't pregnant, you may just not have enough HCG in your system yet, test again in 2-4 days. Good luck, and tons of baby dust!!!

  2. yes it happened with me...infact i never showed positive on a hpt and had to take a blood test... its possible..just wait until u actually miss ur periods and then re-test.

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