
How long did you swaddle your baby? Any tips on getting a baby to not need swaddling at night?

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My 4 month old still needs to be swaddled to go to sleep (and stay asleep). The bad thing is that he is getting too big and too strong to stay in his swaddle. Sometimes I can't even make it to his crib before he has come out of his wrap. As soon as his hands come out, he immediately starts rubbing his face and this wakes him up. I wish I could get him to not need swaddling so much, but I don't know how to get him settled enough to sleep without it. Any tips? tks!




  1. My bubs is almost 8 months, and i have the same question as you. i will be interested in the other answers you get.

    good question

  2. I swaddled my baby till she was about 8 weeks old and stopped because she started to try and wriggle free from it. The weather was also getting hotter and I was worried about her being too hot. At first she didn't sleep as well as she kept startling herself awake and getting her to take naps during the day was harder. However I persevered and it didn't take long at all for her to be able to sleep soundly without being swaddled. Now she sleeps in a grobag/sleeping bag at night and under a light blanket during the day - and she still sleeps through the night! Infact she can fall asleep anywhere - on the sofa, on her playmat etc

  3. Try using a miracle blanket My baby loved to be swaddled in this, and it was hard for her to become unwrapped during the night.  

  4. try leaving one arm out

    that worked for us

  5. I tried every which way to swaddle and my little boy wouldn't have it.  He likes to sleep in the "hands up" position.  Try laying him on his side and then when he is in a deep deep sleep push him back onto his back.  

  6. first of all, i was told by 3 months not to do that anymore, cuz it slows down there motor skills, because they can't move there arms and legs like they need to, to learn.( that is what i heard), but by 2 mons my lil boy was done with it, just putting him to sleep, i had to hold him really close to me, and it was fine, but every baby is diffrent, just try and wean him/her, lol

  7. I swaddled my daughter for her first week. She would always get her arms out and unwrap herself so once during a night time feeding I just laid the blanket over top of her and tucked it around her sides. She is now 7 weeks and I tried to swaddle her last night... she started screaming until I unwrapped her.  

  8. I swaddled my baby until she could get out of it at 5months. But she still loved to be swaddled so i swaddled her for a while with her hands out. Then she got out of that. So now i tuck her in tightly so she still has that secure, swaddle feel. She still gets out but the smoothe transition helped her to not need to be swaddled.

  9. haha.. i think stopped swaddling my baby after the first day i brought him home from the hospital!!  he was born 22 1/2 in long and a kicker!!! he never stayed in the blanket. he never needed it though either.  but actually he never slept in his crib until he was like 2-3 months old. he would never sleep unless i held him. i would have to wait until he was out cold for a good 20-30 min in my arms before i could put him in the crib.  

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