
How long did you take Depo-Provera/how long did it take to concieve?

by Guest61513  |  earlier

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I was on Depo-Provera for 9 months (3 rounds) and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years! I have not been like trying hardcore, but we have been having unprotected s*x since June of 2006, and 2 years and 2 months later, I have had no luck! My periods were irregular for the first year or so but for the last 7 months they have been 31 days apart exactly! So I guess my questions is: How long were you on Depo and how long after you stopped did you conceive?




  1. I had been on the depo shot for 2 cycles.  Then we started trying.  We tried for 18 months...went through s***n analysis, went through a HSG looking for blockages (and there was none) finally they sent me for a blood test to check my progesterone levels on the 21st day of my cycle.  Found out that I wasn't ovulating.  The depo shot had stopped my body from ovulating.  I was given a 50 mg of clomid on day 5-9, and it worked like a charm.  I had a regular 28 day cycle, and I was of the belief that if you got your period every month, that meant that you wrong was I.  Once you have been actively trying for 12 months, its time to see a DR.

  2. well i was on it one round and got pregnant but never found out until i had a further 2 rounds. then after the birth of my son i went on the jab when he was 3month the back off the back on when i got my Forestperiod then back on in November it ran out february 7 08 and have been waiting since. some peole are lucky and get pregnant next cycle and others have to wait. also go see your doctor they would be able to priscribe you something to regulte you cycles .. clomid cheap but do able. good luck.

  3. I was on Depo-Provera for 2 years. After I got off the shot, it took me 6 months to have my period back. Before Depo shot, my period was very regualr, 28-day cycle, but after Depot it was irregular sometimes (26-35 day cycle) and also my period got really short, it gradually became 4 days to 2 days now. It's been 2 1/2 years since I got off the shot, and this month me and my B/F decided to have a baby. I had my period on 8/8 for 2 days, had mid-pain on 8/15, so I thought I was ovulating, we B/Ded the next day. If I'm right, I'm on 7dpo today and since yesterday I feel nauseated, very thirsty, have headache and chills all day. I tested this morning ( knew it was too soon) and got negative result. I'm wondering if I wasn't on Depo shot, my period could have been longer than 2 days, which I hope very much. Good luck. And after I take another test next Monday, I'll post the result here.  

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