
How long did you take lessons before being able to just stroll into the barn [equestrian center] whenever?

by Guest64199  |  earlier

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I have been gong for a while and I feel uncomfortable.

I wish i could help out during the summer but Im afraid to ask.

I even felt uncomfortable when i asked if i could show my mom the horses. ='(

My instructor - it took her YEARS before being able to come whenever. But I believe it was because she was too shy to ask.

How did you ask when you wanted to help out?

And how long did it take you before you were able to go whenever?




  1. At my barn people are allowed to come and visit the school horses whenever they want. I have my own horse so I can visit him whenever. I never asked if I could help out. I started helping by cleaning and refilling the school horses' water buckets, then I groomed horses before lessons, then I mucked out stalls. The grooms just got used to me being there, then the other owners, then the instructors.

  2. I had this problem once and it made me very uncomfortable, so don't worry, I know how you feel!

    If you're really shy, just think about this: how much better you will feel when you finally ask!

    Just remember that they're not going to bite you and the worst thing they will say is : "Thank you for asking, but we actually have all of the help we need." and if that is the answer, just say "Well, if you ever need an extra pair of hands, just let me know."

    Let us know how it goes!!

  3. Time to be brave dear! Do you know how many horse places are THRILLED to have people volunteer to work for them? I am sure s/he will also appreciate you asking permission to bring people over.

    You will not know until you ask, and the only way to ask is to force yourself to overcome your shyness.

  4. Well, I know hanging out at a barn can be scary, especially when you do not know the people that well. But your instructor will not bite your head off if you ask about helping out. If you feel uncomfortable, start talking to some of the people there. Make friends and then start coming out early for your lessons. Ask your instructor if there are some things you can do that will help out. Then after your lessons talk to her briefly about maybe coming out some days just for fun to help exercise some horses and clean tack. I know this seems scary, but its not as scary as jumping a fence! Then if you start coming out on other days, talk to some of the other people there and make more friends. Pretty soon, the barn will feel like a home away from home.

  5. it depends on your experience. If you have been riding for less than 2 weeks by the time camp roles around and you don't have much experience you aren't going to be any help really to the camp coordinators or whatever.

    But I would say that just anytime you can go there and see the horses. You pay them to ride there so no matter what experience you have you should be able to look at the horses sometimes.

    I have been riding for 6 years and only 2 years agao was i asked to help out and only just now was i asked to get payed to have a camp group. At my stable, you have to have completed the rider level 1 and 2 books at least before you are able to work in a group. I would maybe ask if you could help groom and tack up the horses for the littlest campers but I wouldn't be suprised if they don't want you to do much more that takes more skill and experienced. Please don't be offended by this (what i am saying too)

    I hope I helped you a bit!

    Good luck and don't be shy!

  6. as your trainer if she has any extra horses you could ride

    be like "I was just wondering if you had anyone else that maybe i could practice on once a week" and then offer to groom or muck stalls as a form of "pay"

    or! say that you are having "money issues" and was wondering if you could work for your lessons (like help groom or muck stalls or clean tack)

    it didn't take me that long, but i started to lease a pony within my first year of riding and then bought my horse a year later!)

  7. You might want to think about finding a new barn. I was at a barn where I didn't fell confortable and my new barn I stay at all day. It all has to do with the people you are with. Also bring apples to the barn and ask to give them to the horses. That will buy you some time with them

  8. I don't quite understand your question. I was always able to go out to the barn. I had a horse out there since I was 5 until I was 13 and I went out there and rode whenever I wanted to.

  9. I never took lessons as a kid, I was born and raised on a farm and the horse came as a package deal sort of.  

    I have looked after my own horses and barn for years...believe me if someone wanted to work in my barn, keep it clean help with the horses etc etc...I would sure hope that they were not too shy to ask.  Any one who has a big barn with lots of horses people going in and out, new horses coming in and other horses leaving...riders, trainers hay, feed, mucking name it....I would love it if someone came in and asked for a part time job....go for it girl, if you wait to be asked it will never happen

  10. If you want to help out you have to ask!  If the people at the barn make you so uncomfortable that you feel you can't ask, consider switching barns.

    Generally however, if you don't own a horse, or lease a horse, there isn't going to be much for you to do....unless you can work out something with the lesson horses.  I wouldn't want a student at the barn I didn't know handling, caring for, feeding or doing much with my horse.

  11. You might just be a shy person. When youre going over to ask, just think, "Either it's going to be a yes, or the worst thing that could happen is a 'no'. It's not like anything bad is going to happen." And if youre REALLY shy, just do it! That's what I do! Good luck. :)

  12. just come early to your lessons (or stay late) and ask your instructor if theres anything you can do to help..

    eventually they'll ask you to come and it'll be normal to help!

    trust me, barns are ALWAYS looking for free help!

  13. Tell your mom or dad sibling to ask for you. But if you are too shy for that then you should just go up to the staff and ask how old you have to be to help out. And maybe they will just ask you if you want to help out cause you brought it up.

  14. The only way you are going to know if your ready is to ask when you feel comfortable or you will never know for every person it is different

  15. I have the same problem!! My barn has really strict rules against people 'hanging out' around the barn. And I want to come and help and stuff but am afraid I will get in trouble because of the rules. I am also too shy to ask my trainer...

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