
How long did you wait for him to leave his wife?

by Guest66999  |  earlier

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How long did you wait for him to leave his wife?




  1. In tell you get tired of him and he don't want to have any thing to do with you. Why you want to wait for him when he never going to leave his wife for you. You should not get involved with a married man to start with, you should have self-respect, remember this what goes round it come round.

  2. I am not a life saver !

  3. Get a grip!  If he REALLY wanted to be with you he would have left ALREADY!  You're probably just the object of a "mid-life crises" and a little new and exciting. That won't last forever!  Do you really want to wear the title of "Home-wrecker" for the rest of your life?!?!?!  Cuz if he has kids, that's who and what you will ALWAYS be!

  4. i've never waited for anyone to leave their wife.  i can find my own man.  i dont have to steal from others.  btw, they never leave their wives.  duh

  5. if you're that desperate...there's online dating!!!

    you know he's going to turn around and do the same thing to you once he gets bored and tired of being with you everyday. Come on now..haven't you seen thousand upon thousand of movies, read thousand upon thousand of books, heard millions of people talk about this over and over again...? It should be common sense by now that they're not going to leave their wives or husbands!!! Hunny, if you only had a brain!

  6. i'm not a w***e.

    you'll just keep waiting.  he'll never leave her.  get some self-respect.

  7. I met this guy who was unmarried 29 years ago and we had an instant chemistry back then but we never pursued each other seriously at that time. He wound up marring someone and raising his family, and I married someone and raised my family.He eventually divorced his wife after she had numerous affairs, then my husband passed away a few years ago. Eleven months ago he contacted me and asked me out but it took me until five months ago to accept a date with him. We've been seeing each other exclusively ever since. So to answer your question, I've been waiting 29 years or all of my life to finally have the man that I now want to be with.

  8. I'm not that kind of girl!

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