
How long did you wait to have your second child?

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My daughter is 14 months and I am starting to wonder when is the optimal time to start trying again. I am a teacher so the summer is the best time to get pregnant (I know that it happends when it happens but I want to try planing as much as possible). What age do you find it the best to introduce a new sibling, or what is the most difficult age?




  1. My kids are 18 months apart.  It is very stressful having them so close in age, but it is worth it for me because they are becoming such great friends  :)

  2. 4 yrs

  3. My two daughters are 16 months apart. Right now my older one is 20 months and the baby is almost 4 months. I thought it would be difficult as far as jealousy goes, but that only lasted about a week. She wanted "Uppy, Mommy" every five minutes and started regressing a bit -- she wanted a pacifier (which she had never even had before) and wanted to sit in the baby swing. So I let her and she got over it.

    Now the first thing my older daughter does in the morning is run to her baby sister's crib to give her a kiss. It might be better than they are this close in age because Ava won't even REMEMBER what it was like before her sister was born. They'll share lots of the same memories. They'll be able to share clothes, toys, friends, and they will like the same things growing up.

    I have a friend whose son is four and she just had another baby. The four year old is jealous beyond belief. Waiting two years is the longest I'd personally go.

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