
How long did you wait to tell your kids your expecting?

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How long should we wait to tell my fiancees 12 year old daughter were pregnant?

She seams mature enough but has a few issues of her own she is working on right now so we don't want to stress her out.

However a while ago we thought we were and she picked up on it and got extremely excited. So we think she would be happy, but she is a "teenager" so anything could happen.

Should we wait until that three month mark, or until i start showing, or what?

Her dad had a talk wit her last night and she thought it was going to be that I'm pregnant, where would she have gotten that from? we just found out.... maybe she knows more than we think.




  1. I have to agree with your last statement. Just because she's young doesn't mean she's clueless. If you ask me, I would just tell her (but right after the 3 month mark, just in case you lose the baby- which I hope you don't). I mean, she's going to have to face it sooner or later. Plus, if she does have a fit, at least she'll have time to get over by the time the baby rolls around, and if not, she'll be really excited for the baby and everything.

    Good luck :)

  2. Definitely wait until the first three months are over, however, do not wait until you are showing. She will feel left out and probably very angry if you wait to tell her until you "have to" BECAUSE you are showing. But if you told her before your 12 week mark, and something would happen (hopefully it doesn't so good luck!) she would probably be depressed.

    It won't be as hard as you think. Good luck & congrats!

  3. I would definitely wait until the first 3 months are over, the first 3 months are when you are most likely to have a miscarriage so until you are out of that danger zone I would hold off on telling her.

  4. I think you should tell her now because she will be mad if she sees her mom getting bigger and figures it out on her own...

  5. I have a 13 yr old son and I am expecting now. We waited until we went to the Dr. for the first time and heard the heartbeat, which was at about 8 weeks. I would wait until you are  pretty sure everything is okay. Why make them deal with the loss of the pregnancy if God forbid that were to happen?  Now if she brings it up or asks then I would tell her bc you don't want to lie to her, that will make her angry. It was easy for me to keep the secret from my son bc I don't think boys pay attetntion to that kind of thing :) Best of luck!!

  6. You should tell her right after the 3 months mark so if you have a miscarriage again(i do think so ) she wont have to go through that again

  7. my parents told me and my brother that they were having a baby once they found out for sure! even if shes having some problmes of her own, most girls (i'm not sure why) always want babies in the house, and they think that "every baby is cute".  i know i was 11 (and at that time the youngest) when i found out and i had been having issues of my own at the time too, but that news actually cheared me up! i was trilled! i was already praying it was a girl!

  8. When I got pregnant with the baby before the one now, we told our kids (whom are 4 and 7) we were expecting, as soon as we found out. We also told all our friends and family as well and then I ended up miscarrying a week later. Several months later we tried again, got pregnant and didnt tell our kids until I was out of the danger zone of miscarrying. I am now 4 months. I guess its a preference as to when you should tell your soon to be step daughter. Talk to your boyfriend and see what he thinks.  

  9. should tell her  

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