
How long did you wait to try again after a miscarriage?

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How long did you wait to try again after a miscarriage?




  1. I've heard that when you miscarriage you have to wait at least three months before trying to conceive again..

    Good luck !

  2. I waited 4 months. My dr told me that my body wouldn't get pregnant until it was ready, you should wait as long as you feel comfortable, there isn't really a good answer.

  3. I am really sorry for your loss.  I know how tough it is because I've been through it.  I m/c in April this year at 5w4d.  It was our first and I was devistated.  I did not need a D&C or anything so my doctor advised me to wait 2 full cycles before we start trying again.  After doing some research I found that you can wait until you have one full cycle and if you are feeling emotionally, phyically, spiratually up for it - try again!  I've heard that you are more fertile right after a m/c but it's not proven.  It has taken us a while to concieve (just found out last week!) because my cycles altered from a perfect 28 day cycle to either 28,29,and/or 30 since the m/c.  I just kept monitoring my cycle days and feelings on and started reading everything i could about pregnancy.  We did "it" every other day from day 9 of my cycle until day 20.  I started also living a healthier lifestyle through diet and light walks every morning.  I am now 4w4d pregnant and sooo nervous and excited!  I actually found out today that my progesterone levels were a bit lower than my doc wanted so I'm now on a hormone pill to help.  You might want to ask your doctor about that to help keep your body in prime baby-making shape.  Do your research, relax and seek support in close friends, family and online groups like this.  When you feel ready to start TTC again, do it!  Good Luck and much baby dust to you!

  4. i waited a year...i hated the idea of waiting a year but i was told by my doctor that i should wait that long and give my body time to heal

  5. I started trying again right away... and got pregnant again 2 weeks after my miscarriage before I had even had a regular period. I am 21 weeks now and everything is going so well... Its more of a personal choice on whether or not you are ready to.. or whether you had any complications with the miscarriage. Goodluck

  6. As soon as you feel ready, some people like to wait - especially if they were far on at the time of the miscarriage but unless theres medical reasons go for it when ever you and your partner are ready.

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