
How long did your child's teeth hurt when they were getting their 12 year old molars?

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My daughter is 10 and getting her *12 year old molars.* She had to take tylenol before school and a tube of Anbesol Junior with her. Her stomach is upset and she is pretty much in pain. I can see the teeth popping through, so how much longer do you think this pain goes on?




  1. yes , it was painful for my daughter. Use numbing agents. Ice cream

    also makes life easier.

  2. It can last a few weeks....maybe 3 to 5. That is the only time any one of my children got a cavity. My sons mouth was so sore that he did not brush back there and got a cavity in a brand new tooth! Make sure she brushes back there well......even if it does hurt. Easier said than done.

  3. the pain in my girls lasted about two weeks in total. I am not looking forward to my son getting his. It is not a fun time for them but not as bad as the wisdom teeth.

  4. Usually it hurts until the tooth is up through the gum completely. How long that takes varries but it can last up to two weeks or as little as a few days.

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