
How long did your job hunt(s) go on for?

by  |  earlier

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I've just completed my Diploma in Property (Real Estate) and Business Management and have been job hunting for an entry level junior property manager for a month now and still not much has resulted from them.

I have edited and tweaked my resume/C.V. to just about perfection now and still no entry level admin jobs are responding. Could I be a bit overqualified for entry level positions and therefore not considered?

It's getting really frustrating.




  1. I've always thought that if I think I am overqualified for the job, why would I bother applying?

    It took me 5 months out of college to find my first 'real job'. Sometimes you need to answer the job ads for 'receptionist' or 'customer service rep' and those jobs turn into the admin. job you were looking for. thats what happened to me, i started as a receptionist and now I've been a purchasing assistant for four years.

  2. If they require zero years of experience.........and you have 20..........I wouldn't put down all 20 years on your resume.               Maybe 3-5 years of it.

    Generally they don't discriminate against overqualified; just underqualified.

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