
How long do I cook stuffed marrow.....?

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in the oven and at what temperature?




  1. Bake it  at about 200C, Gas Mark 5, like roasting a chicken. There were recipes that had complicated instructions for baking blind, then stuffing. And others where you put marrow and stuffing in together. None of them told you how to work out cooking times from the weight of the marrow, so i cook mine  for about an hour.

  2. You can cook most things at about 180-200 for half an hour (uncovered) or 30-60 minutes covered without burning it.

    This is an approximation though. It depends alot on how much water there is in what you're stuffing it with.

    Best plan: Cook the stuffing separately, then stuff in the marrow, oven bake for 20-30 minutes at about 180

  3. I don't know your recipe but here's one version you can use as a guideline.

    Stuffed Marrow

    1 medium sized marrow - peeled de-seeded and halved lengthways.

    1 potato

    1 aubergine - 175g (6 oz), cubed

    1 parsnip

    1 carrot

    1 turnip

    1 bulb of fennel

    1 can of chopped tomato

    1 clove of garlic

    Vegetable stock - 150 ml (� pint)

    k**b of butter

    Salt and pepper to taste

    Cooking Instructions:

    1. Once you have prepared the marrow gentle rub salt into the flesh and leave to stand while you prepare the stuffing.

    2. Wash peel and chop the vegetables, your looking to have everything in bite sized pieces, cubes of about an inch square or small slices.

    3. Use a large heavy based frying pan if you have one, melt the butter under a gentle heat then add the crushed clove of garlic then the chopped vegetables, you are looking to soften not brown the ingredients, so not too hot.

    4. After about ten minutes of continuous stirring add the stock, the can of chopped tomatoes, the garlic and then season.

    5. Once you are happy with the flavour leave to simmer on a medium heat for about a quarter of an hour stirring every couple of minutes.

    6. Wash the salt from the marrow then place into a baking tray, you can either a) heap the ingredients into one half then cover with the other half of the marrow and wrap in greased foil or b) spoon the mixture into both halves and cook them upturned. If you are cooking the marrow as two upturned halves cover line the baking tray with greased foil then cover with foil.  

    7. Cook in a preheated oven (180c) for about 50 minutes.

    8. Serve when hot.  

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