
How long do I have to live in Florida to become a "citizen"?

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I have my US Passport & a social security number, but I live in the Bahamas. I plan on going to college in Florida & don't want to pay the international prices & I want to be able to work.

How long will I have to live there if I already have my Passport & SSN?




  1. in most cases if you have a US passport you are most likely a US citizen.  If your parents are US citzens then by birth so are you.  do you mean a "Florida" resident?

  2. Proving residence is a matter of intent. If you have a driver'sl license and voter registration in a State, that is a good indication of RESIDENCE in a State... but for school purposes, they are going to want to see things that PROVE you have been living in the STate for 12 months.. such as utility bills or rent statements.

  3. you would need to reside in Florida for at least 12 months immediately prior to enrolling in college in order to be eligible for in-state tuition.

    You should get a Florida driver's license, voter registration card, etc. (two form of id's as proof is needed)

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