
How long do I have to take AKT drugs?

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I have genito-urinary TB, I have pain, urgency and frequency of urination.My urologist has put me on a course of AKT-4 for 2 months initially.

I still have the frequency and pain after more than a month of AKT-4!

I am experiencing lots of side effects like mouth ulcers, skin rashes etc. My liver function test (taken after a month on the AKT-4) was normal.

The doctor said that after 2 months the dosage would be reduced to AKT-3.

How long is this course and how will I know if I am cured?

I feel good one day and the next day all my symptoms seem to get back to square one! I still feel pain in my bladder area.

I am also experiencing vaginal irritation, white discharge and burning sensation on and off.

Is my frequent urination accompanied by bladder pain a different issue altogether, unrelated to the GU-TB?

I am really puzzled!




  1. Your doc has advised for 2 months AKT therapy but this is not the entire treatment regimen. AKT Therapies are at least 9 months long and the durations may go upto 2 years in some exceptional cases.

    The doc may remove a drug from the four drugs that you are taking after two months or more and slowly remove one more later on.

    The drug takes at least a month or two to act and hence no need to worry BUT if the symptoms and signs continue after taht also, it may call for a Change in Doctor or Change in Drug Regimen.

    In some patients, it may be MDR TB (Multi Drug Resistant) and in this case you need to alter your dosage, drug combinations etc etc. If thats the case make sure you see only a TB Specialist.

    CURE... Dont take relief from symptoms as a Cure. this is the BIGGEST MISTAKE that people do ie stop taking drugs once symptoms go away. This causes the disease to come back with deadly venegeance and causes MDR TB in many cases. Cure can be expected only when you complete entire therapy that your doc suggested till the last tablet and last day.

    Once cured, if you keep yourself healthy and fit the chances of recurrence are very low.

    Dont worry... Things will be all right...Maybe after a couple of weeks you feel yourself getting better with less or no symptoms at all.

    All the Best and Get Well Soon !!!

  2. google it.

  3. The course of ABX (AKT-4) could be as long as a year... TB is a h**l of a persistent and devious bug, and a friend of mine took nearly 14 months to get rid of it when she was a nurse in the India/Tibet border's refugee camps.

    Chances are that you'll have occasional bacterial infections (vaginal and/or urinary) during your treatment because of the disruption of your normal GU flora balance, and you should be in contact with your doc on at least a monthly basis to check up on stuff like that.

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