
How long do I have to wait after taking Paxil 10 MG until it is safe to drink some alcohol?

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I was recently prescribed Paxil 10 MG and Lorazepam .5, I was just wondering what kind of time frame I would want to wait after taking say, a daily pill before it is safe to drink a decent amount of alcohol? I only take Paxil on a regular basis the Lorazepam is for "emergency situations"... So I am just wondering if you have any idea how long it would take to metabolize along enough where I am not going to be feeling extremely messed up when drinking alcohol...? I am 5'9 160. Thanks!




  1. I took Paxil and it made me violent because I didn't need it.  I don't think any meds are good from the Pharmacuetical Industry.  Look into naturopathic cures please.  If you insist on taking it I am pretty sure you are not supposed to drink at all or do any other drugs for that matter.

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