
How long do I leave my neutered cat alone?

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I got my 4 month old kitty neutered and we were told to isolate him from other animals for 7-10 days. I feel so bad about doing this. We have 4 other cats though who don't know him well yet (we got him about a week ago from a friend). We have had him in the bathroom with a box of newspaper that we change at least once a day, food, and water and a towel to sleep on for comfort. He yowls all day when he's not sleeping because he wants to be let out but we're trying to keep him away from the regular litter so he doesn't reopen the wound. Should I listen to the 7-10 day thing? I feel like it's emotionally scarring for a kitty and I feel so bad about it but I was told it's for his own good since he can't be around other cats in case they want to clean the area and so that he is not around regular clay litter. We come into the room often to give him affection and attention but if I can get him out of the room earlier than a week or so, I'd feel so much better. What do you think?




  1. I would perhaps call another vets office and ask for a second opinion. I have never heard of the 7-10 days of isolation and no litter in his box for that long either. Usually when a kitten is neutered there are no stitches or staples, the tiny incision is closed off with a skin glue that is approved for animals. I work at a vets office and not once have I heard him recommend isolating a cat from others and newspaper in his litter box. When I had my kitten neutered I had three other cats at the time and he was allowed to interact with them right when he got home and use a normal litter box. Definitely call around and ask for a second opinion on the aftercare of your kitty...the instructions you were given sound extremely odd. Good luck :o)

  2. You should play with your kitten and spend time with him. I just got a kitten and she had to stay in her room during the day until we got the dogs and her fully introduced. Every morning I would get up an hour early to play with her. She is my best buddy and this has really help us bond. There will be plenty of time for him to play with his new friends. It is only a week and separation is for his protection so none of the other animals mess with this surgery area and cause an infection or complications.

  3. you are not scarring the kitty for life....if the vet told you 7-10 days - then it's 7-10 days.  Perhaps the bathroom is too small or too dark (or too bright).  Can't you put him in a bedroom and close the door?  It's not the litter that is the main problem for the wound, it is the other cats...they may try to clean the kitten's wound and tear out the stitches, or they may upset the kitten and the stress after surgery could be detrimental to the healing.  The vet tells you how to take care of your animals, they have gone to school, interned and were residents before going to a practice to treat animals - I think they know what they are talking about.  Just wait until the 7-10 days are up and the wound is healed.  The kitten will get over it.

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