
How long do I wait to workout again?

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To workout again like do I wait 24 hours after working out my arms to work them out again?




  1. It is possible to work out every other day. But if you are working really hard and pushing yourself a lot, then the best thing to do is only work out a muscle or muscle group once a week. This allows for the best muscle growth and recovery. I used to blast my arms every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and say little growth over like two months. Then I started doing arms only on Mondays and I shot up in both muscle mass and how much I could lift within about a month. It pays huge to allow your muscles ample time to recover after a workout.

  2. You need to give each muscle group 48 hours to rest and recover.  When you workout, you tear muscle fibers apart.  They repair, recover, and grow new fibers when you rest.  So if you work your arms on Monday, don't work them again until Wednesday.    

  3. 2 hours

  4. if they are sore, you wait until they aren't sore anymore. sore muscle are a side effect of your body rebuilding those muscles, so exercising them while they are building doesn't do much.

    But if you aren't sore, it is suggested every other day, or 48 hours between workouts.

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