
How long do Infiniti's last for?

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I'm considering buying a used Infiniti J30 that has 113,000 miles on it. To the best of my knowledge it has been well taken care of, as it was the dealership owner's wife's car. But I would like to know the average longevity of these cars before I spend $5000 on one.




  1. Infinitis are very reliable. So if you buy one, don't worry about that

  2. if you take good care of it, it should last just as long as a honda or toyota...  

  3. 200,000 miles easy, just make sure the timing belt has been replaced, also ask if the radio has been replaced. One other thing if you are going to drive in snow the J30 is useless.

  4. me personally i wouldnt buy the infiniti the reason why is they are high maintence car so if there is a problem comes out it will cost you some serious buckssss ... but they are very good cars also last you long time depends on how the previous and the new owners are maintaing the car cause everyone has there way of driving and taking care stufff... good luck man.. hope that helps

  5. ewww ugly car. get G35 Coupe, or w/e tha one with 2 doors is calle.d

  6. That's like asking how high is up.  It all depends on how the car was driven and maintained.

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