
How long do U think gass prices will raise?

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I Can't believe gas prices are getting sooo high

It is rediculas.




  1. Only until we run out of oil.

  2. The best advice is to drive practical vehicles for the current situation and for the future.

    If you don't need the horsepower of a V8 engine regularly for work or need it regularly for utility purposes, don't buy one.  

    This is how gas prices is motivating global consumers, stop buying new gas guzzling vehicles when all you do is commute or go driving around town.

    There's nothing more I get frustrated about then to see people driving V8 SUV's and trucks who do nothing it but commute to desk jobs or drive around town with it.  It does not even get used for hauling a boat, trailer, or haul any payloads.  It is an individual's right to make this choice, but don't complain about gas prices if you do this...

    If you have a gas guzzling vehicle almost paid off or already paid off, selling it might not not help much on saving money.  

    However, if you are deciding on a replacement vehicle, get a fuel efficient vehicle.

  3. I think gas prices will continue to rise at the same rate for the next 100 years, or until American starts and wins a new World War to regain economic dominance.

    So by next year at this time gas will be $10.99 a gallon.

  4. The gas rose from about $2 to over $4 from 2001 to today.

    That is the faster gas prices rise EVER.


    Maybe when we get a stronger economy (given weak economy was one of the reason the gas prices started to rise).

    who knows.

    Good Luck...

  5. If we don't start drilling in our own back yard (Alaska, for one, which holds as much oil as most of all Ariabia) it will never stop.

    Is ANYONE out there paying attention?

  6. They're almost done.  But sadly, don't look for 'em to come back down -- this ain't a "crisis", it's the new world.


    Interesting you should say that, Ron, we just leased the mineral rights under our house, right in the middle of the city.  The wells will be on a golf course a couple blocks away & drilled horizontally.

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