
How long do UFC fights last (run time), on average?

by  |  earlier

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Tonight's UFC fight starts at 10pm Eastern, but Dish says end 2:00am. Am not watching it, but husband has friends over that want to, so we bought it. But... we have plans for tomorrow morning that I want to make sure we're on time for, so am just wondering on average how long these fights really do last. Is it really 4 hours? Or is that including broadcast commentary at the end? Thnx




  1. well most main events consist of 3, 5 minute rounds.... the card probably has 1 - 2 "main" events on it and then a bunch of other fights. they stretch it out and do alot of commentary and stuff about the fighters' training etc. so 2AM may be about right - if they have alot ot quick fights ( fights can be over in 20 sec or less sometimes) it may go a lot shorter, but i wouldnt count on it

  2. 15 minutes in total. 3, 5 minute rounds also in championship fights they last 25 minutes. 5, 5 minute rounds and the comeback fights which is where people who failed in the UFC fight 2, 5 minute rounds and if the score are even they go to a sudden death round 5 minutes. there is also the minute breaks in between rounds and commentary before and after.

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