
How long do ball pythons live if well takin care of?

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How long do ball pythons live if well takin care of?




  1. The average to my knowledge is 7 to 8 years but it depends on the animal. They could have something hereditary that you were not aware or they can be happy and healthy and live to be 10. It depends on the animal but the main part is if you take good care of it.  

  2. 20 - 30 years can be longer!!!!!

  3. if well taken care of the average is around 25, however, there was record of one ball python living to 49.

  4. supposedly 20-30 years but i have not had my snakes that long to find out. 2 of my rescued ball pythons were abusive and malnourished and they are 5 and 7 years old. i know the record is like 48.

  5. 20 to 30 years.

  6. Average lifespan of a HEALTHY ball python is two or three decades.  However, I've heard of them living up to fifty years.

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