
How long do blisters take to heal after being 'popped'?

by  |  earlier

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the skin still covered it after i popped it, so thanks errone




  1. longer than if they werent popped

  2. If it hasn't already popped, DO NOT POP IT!!!!  Popping it opens the blister up to bacteria and infection.  It will also take longer to heal.  If it is already popped, clean it with diluted peroxide and put some anti-biotic ointment (preferably Neosporin or a triple antibiotic) as a preventative measure.  

  3. Depends if you ripped or cut off the blister & the raw skin is exposed.  If so, it will take longer & can get infected.  Use antibiotic ointment on it & bandage.

    If skin wasn't removed, cover raw skin with blister put ointment on & bandage.

    With raw skin will take at least/week.

    With blister covered about 4 days.

  4. It should take 1-3 days. It depends how big the blister was and where it was located. If it was in an area like your foot, the chances are it will be irritated by additional rubbing.

    During the day, keep a band aid on. At night--take it off. If it gets hot, red or swollen, then it has become infected.

    People always have the urge to pop the blisters, but the fact is that the skin serves as a protective covering and actually shrivels up.

  5. If not irritated, infected or aggravated - about a week.

  6. 4-5 days. :)

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