
How long do braces hurt? My B-Day is a week from today (braces day) and I don't want to feel bad.?

by Guest64741  |  earlier

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Happy birthday to me lol....




  1. They do hurt, and it's pretty uncomfortable, but after a week you will probably be able to not be bother by that pain anymore. If you are still, take a painkiller. Be sure to use the wax they'll give you, because you don't want to have your gum and lips all cut. After a week they might not even hurt that much anymore.

    But the thing is, you'll probably still have trouble eating. I remember when I first got braces, I felt so weird eating, it just didn't feel right. Remember you have a bunch of metal in your mouth that's new, and it really feels different. Besides, you might feel "weakness" on your teeth when you are chewing.

    So I wouldn't be too worried about the pain on your birthday, but a little more about the food. If you're throwing a party and don't want to be starving, just make sure to think about "soft" food. Use it for your advantage and eat lots of cake! :D Don't worry too much though, I don't think it's going to ruin your bday. Just have fun and try not to think about it. In no time you won't even remember braces felt awkward at first.

  2. Braces actually hurts. Thus, it also takes time for you to feel well regarding your teeth. You may not eat well, the day of yours :) But you will have to be patient. It really hurts at least for two weeks. But you can enjoy it :) It's very beneficial :)

  3. Well, they are going to really hurt! LoL. What can I say?!  If you prepare yourself for the worst, then it wont actually be that bad... I can't really remember, might not be so bad after a week, but you may not be able to chew a steak! Maybe put it in the blender first....  

  4. its only like 3 or 4 days that it hurts. tops.

  5. Yeah dude Happy B day

    And those braces take years off!!!!!

    So when you get them done the dont hurt until a few hours after, this goes on for the next week.

    Im not going to lie dude it is complete agony for days and you wont be able to eat of chew properly

  6. Happy Birthday indeed. Now about the braces they may be uncomfortable for a couple of days but try some mild analgesicsif it gets too much.  Better though is to take you mind off it by getting engrossed in a good book or perhaps a computer game that you have to think about.  You will look great when they come off.

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