
How long do braces usually hurt for?

by  |  earlier

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i just got mine like 4 days ago and they still hurt pretty bad!

i can't even eat bananas!!! (well, actually i can sorta nibble on them now)




  1. About 3-5 days

    Take pain medicine

    and use fluoride to keep your teeth strong while you have your braces on.

  2. i had mine yeeears ago it just hurts for a while then all you feel is like pressure when they get tightened...feel better soon

  3. between a week to a month and then any time they get ajusted for a day or two or even just a few hours, and that will go on for about 6 months to a year then after that you should be completly used to it. i have had them for a year but they stopped hurting completly about four months ago.

    hope that helps

  4. Mine hurt for about a week.

    My orthodontist said that even though they hurt, that I needed to try to eat solid foods, because the longer you eat only soft food, the more they will end up hurting.

    Try Advil or Tylenol. Also: Orajol is good to use too.

  5. your pretty much able to chew anything after a week at tops.

    but because you have a different pain tollerence then me, i can not predict. but it will honestly range from 3-7days. but atleast now you have an excuse for constantly eating icecream!(: hehe

    but until your time is up, i'd request...



    -ice cream, milk shakes..


    -mashed potatoes

    -baked beans



    you know, soft things.

    also, you can teeth on cold wet rags or a ziplock ag with water in it. it REALLYhelped me.. and i was thirteen!

    then rememer, good old pain releaver works so take your needed amout before bed.

    although, i dont know your level of pain tolerence and cant give an exact numer of days to you, i hope your few days in pain go smoothly with the tips and requested food i gave you.

  6. This is usually the worst time after you get them adjusted they only hurt 2 days afetr every adjustment

  7. mine hurt for about 2 weeks.

    eat mashed potatoes, and try rice.

  8. You only have to get used to.. It doesnt really hurts,,, but u have to get used to..

  9. about a week. take tylenol before you go to sleep at night and you will feel better in the morning.

  10. only for about a week! then after that you will get use to them!:)

  11. 3 days

  12. like 2 weeks

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