
How long do bunnies live?

by Guest44598  |  earlier

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How long do bunnies live?




  1. Depends, if the bunny is owned by a soviet scientist, then it may live forever because of break-throughs in reserection and extended life. But usually, i would say as long as you want it to, lol. Why do people ask questions here when google is a click of a mouse away? Maybe someone can answer that with another question like I did. ROFL LOFL!

  2. depending on how well you take care of them roughly about 10 to 12 years maybe more!

  3. I have dwarf bunnies and normally they are supposed to live anywhere between 5 and 7 yrs.  As for all other types of bunniees I don't know really.  All I've ever owned were dwarves.

  4. it depends on how you take care of it.

    rabits mostly live for only 6 years at the minimum.

    but with proper health care,constant vet care,love for it,passion,money and by neutering it,a rabbits can get as old as 18 years old.some say they have rabbits that have lived for up to 24 years but this is unaccounted for.

    of course,the breed and size is also a factor of a rabbit's life span.mostly,the small breeds lives less longer than larger ones but again,it really just depends on proper care.

    i hope i helped!

  5. At least 7-10 years, depending on the size of the rabbit, but probably longer if they're well taken care of.

    If your thinking about getting a bunny PLEASE adopt from a shelter!  There are many homeless bunnies at


  6. it depends on the breed. they can live any where between 4 years and 13.

  7. 10-15 yrs...if you're getting a bunny please keep it inside!!Mine was just stolen from us

  8. When properly taken care of, given a good diet and spayed/neutered (they live longer/healthier) , up to 18 years!

  9. Rabbits should be expected to live at least 5 years; they can live as long as 15 years. Medium and large sized rabbits tend to live longer than dwarf rabbits.

  10. about 10 yrs.

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