
How long do car transmissions last before going out?

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How long do car transmissions last before going out completely? We found out about a month ago that we need a new one. How much does it cost to get a new one? We have a warranty on our car so i'm not sure if that'll cover it or not but wanted to get a little insight first since they are closed today anyways. Thanks.




  1. It depends on the make of the car, it could be between $2000 and over $10,000 for some of the exotics to replace it.  Properly maintained transmissions can easily go over a 1/4 million miles.

    EDIT:  A wild guess based on your Additional Info:   Sounds like a possibility of a couple of things.  "Hiccup" during acceleration could be bad plugs or plug wires..... or carbon build up in heads/valves.  Go buy a bottle of Redline Fuel System Cleaner (I get mine at Pep Boys) and pour the whole bottle in the gas tank and fill tank.  Should show a good improvement in 60 or so miles.  If this works it will save you a lot of money at the repair shop and is worth a try.

    Squeaking - possible bad belt that either needs replacing or tightening.

  2. They can out last the car if serviced properly.

  3. Depends on the transmission some are really reliable and some fall apart in ten thousand miles.

  4. hard to tell seeing as how urs is already going out... but i would deff. contact your warranty company tomm. and let them know and find out but if they dont cover it then it will run you a good 2K sorry =/

  5. A rebuilt tranny is about 2 to $2,500 if you don't have a warranty but what you describe doesn't sound like a transmission problem to me.

  6. Mine lasted 160K. Replacement are at least a grand.

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