
How long do cockitiel's live and are they good pets?

by  |  earlier

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would they be a good pet for me i like playful birds that can be yellow i like birds that live 15 or 20 years




  1. i have a cockatiel and he is the cutest  thing. he always wants to play! and they last a long time.

    mines a cute yellow one :)

    he has a fistey personality and is really moody but it so funny to watch him when he's mad!

  2. ive had one of my cockateils for 17 yrs now and he is doing good. getting a little bald but still likes to be talked to and plays with his mate. they can be great pets but they take alot of attention. only get birds if you have time to interact with them alot. sitting in a cage loneley all the time is no life for a bird

  3. cockatiels are wonderful pets. they are very social, and active. the general life span is 15-18 years. mine is currently 14 years old.

  4. Hi,

    Cockatiels live about 15 years but i have know then to live longer.

    As for making good pets then in my opinion yes, they aren't to noisey, they don't need much looking after and there is a lot of people who breed them for the pet trade so it gives you a lot of choice.

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