
How long do dogs stay in heat?

by  |  earlier

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This poor dog has had enough of this effin diaper!!! haha




  1. about 3 weeks.

    Get her spayed and she wont have to go thru it ever again!

  2. Three Weeks,,,approx....

  3. about 3 weeks. Please get her spayed, if your not using her for breeding she can have many health problem, like uterus infections and even cancer, which can kill her. I have seen it happen.  

  4. 21 days give or take a little

    if you want to get rid of the effin diaper get your dog effin spayed.

  5. 21 days per the book, but I've observed b*****s in a standing heat yet at 28 days. I keep them locked up for a month, just to be sure. If you want to breed your dog, you need to breed them on the 7th to 14th day, or you probably won't get puppies.

    Heat periods can range from 5 mo. to greater than a year apart.  If your dog is a mixed breed, large size, it would be in your best interests to have her spayed. If she is small, under 10 pounds, you probably would have no problem selling or placing puppies.

  6. about 3 weeks i believe .

  7. approx. 3 weeks

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