
How long do equine hives last?

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i have eliminated everything we can think of that could cause this horse hives... about how long will it take for them to clear up on their own?




  1. I worked with an AQHA stallion that got a bad case of hives. Ended up being something in the shavings that we bedded his stall with. After the allergen was taken away, it took around 4-5 days for the hives to clear up. If after you have removed what you believe he is allergic to, he still has hives in say 4 days, then you haven't found the culprit yet. Think of everything, from the type of fly spray you use, to if you have a cat in the barn. Sounds crazy, but yes I have crossed paths with a horse that had allergies to cats. Good luck....hope this helps?

  2. I have a lesson kid that's horse is horribly allergic to the trees in her pasture. It took them forever to figure it out. They put her on all types of steriods and dexamethazone. We did find out that hosing her with cold water seemed to relieve some of the discomfort and the swelling went down some. You could spend the money and do an allergy test on her.

  3. Are you sure it is hives? My horse has gotten hives and laid in several ant hill and the marks look the same. Smart horse I know.

    The hives were cause by a fly spray and went a away in a day or so after we srubbed him down. The ant bites however lasted 3-4 days the first time around and this week they are at day 5 I think. They seriously looked the exact same though.

    If a vet said it was hives though, then it is probably hives. I would give him a bath with mild soap (that you know wont cause hives) and do your best to remove anything that may be causing a problem. You seem to be on the right track so keep it up!

  4. My gelding started to break out at about 2 and half years old.

    After eliminating rice and wheat brand, switching alfalfa hay locations, different fly spray, not blanketing in winter etc.

    We couldn't find what was bothering him!

    Until my vet did a blood test and sent it to a lab where he wanted him tested for allergies.

    He came back with a whole big list of allergies.

    From stable fly, wheat bran, ash, english plantain, lambs quarters, redtop, mulberry, cocklebur, cotton, pullulana, cephalosphorium, barley pollen, fescue, and list goes on. Even fly spray: Repel X, no fly zone all natural fly spray and Equicare also broke him out.

    We have him on monthly shots.

    With his shots: Allergenic Extract from Spectrum labs Inc (.1cc every 50 days. Used to be 30 but now able to extend it to 50 to test his body), he hasn't broke out in 3 years as last full break out was age 5 when we realized we can't give that shot on the same day we give his vaccinations etc. (now 8 years old).

    Took his body til he was about 5 to adjust. First we started him on a 3 vile stages. Now he is consistant with the 3rd stage vile only, that last about 8 months. Re-ordering a vile is automatically from our vet for $83, which isn't bad of a price at all.

    We moved him a few places (environments) so far.  Ocean to desert and now moving to countrish (Marlow, OK) next month.  Each time, the environment didn't phase him much.  So, the monthly allergian shots help and he can have all those allergian foods now. (we limit and watch).

    Talk to your vet about doing a blood lab work up.

  5. In my experience it is something in the feed - since it seems to be systemic (all over his body) and not in one area as though it were something that he touched or touched him.  It is an allergic reaction  - are you feeding the same as where he was when you got him or changed the feed - I would start there and a good med is dexamethazone - it is excellent for all allergies and stings from insects. I carry some with me when I trail ride as sometimes bees swarm and sting multiple times and it will relieve it almost instantly.

  6. Wow, me and my girlfriend experienced the same thing. And she still is breathing hard..... My girl friend has a great blog on google, I think you can find it called Princess the Horse.... but anyways we had bought some, I am not a horse type person, some black powder type stuff that you mix in the feed..... You could try that and it is sure to help.

  7. 10 days is a long time. Usally it last only a couple of days. You might want to call your vet a lot of the times the vet can give the horse a shot to help with the reaction.

  8. few hours to a few days depending no how bad the rash was

  9. Depends how bad it is=[

    SO sorry=[   =[

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