
How long do gang fights usually last for?

by  |  earlier

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If theres 5 vs. 5

No guns, just physical fighting.




  1. 2 minuets.  

  2. Less then 2 mins usually a scuffle with intense fighting lasting around 30 seconds at most. Alot of talking smack aswell.

  3. Gangs is for lazy people who does not want to work hard for him to defend himself.

  4. i would say less than 3 minutes

  5. seconds. usually they first few seconds are the worst parts. it seems like forever if you are inolved but in reality its like less than a minute. i dont know it depends on how much fighting the people feel like doing i would say no more than like 2 minutes.

  6. not very long...maybe only 2 minutes

  7. 2 minutes tops

  8. No weapons, just hand to hand combat? 5 vs 5?.....

    It depends on the fighting skills of the fighters or gang members. Some gang members can do more than just swing wild hooks and haymakers...some people actually know how to box, some people actually know how to wrestle..even some know Muay Thai. I've been in many, and I've seen many. So variables depend...and based upon ur specific asked questions...It can last any where from 2 minutes - 10 minutes just hand to hand no weapons.

  9. yeah..less than 2minutes most of those minutes they are going to talk trash

    but once i  saw a 10min it was like 20v15 that was pretty kool

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