
How long do hypemas last - average to worse?

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I was injured with a champagne cork to the eye around 5 weeks ago - I got a small crack in my retina and a lot of fluid in the eye -fortunately I have not had any pressure issues - after the first 3 weeks of resting and taking drops - my vision became much better - I could read fine print -The doctors said I was healing well - I went back to work and by the end of the week my eye was cloudy again and I could visually see a line of blood at the bottom of my iris - went in for another check and they recommended rest for another week - it has been 7 days and until today I wasn't seeing any blood and my eye was clearing up - but today I can see blood again in the iris - it hasn't gotten very cloudy - my concern is over how long this is likely to last - and my activity risk - Is this common, it seems as though most peoples hyphemas clear up faster - I am a healthy athetic person and tend to heal quickly -




  1. We had a 16 year old boy come into the office almost a year ago with the same issue- he was hit in the eye with a baseball, except he did have issues with his eye pressure being in the 20's, this poor boy and his mother were being seen by our office 2 times a week for at least 6 months, the doctor had him on very low activity for almost 4 months because of how high the risk was of loosing the vision permanently from the retina tearing. Hyphemas are not something you want to mess with, do exactly what your doctor tells you to do, and if you feel the treatment is helping at all i would consult a retina specialist, ophthalmologists are very able to treat the problem you are having but retina specialists are trained in exactly what your issue is.

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