
How long do i have 2 go on the running machine in gym everyday so i stay fit?

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How long do i have 2 go on the running machine in gym everyday so i stay fit?




  1. Do 30 minutes of aerobic everyday.

  2. your will have to work out aerobic threshold, thin its something minus your age or siank, lmao not a lot of help, its what rate your heart must be at to be getting you fitter, come to think of it it might be anaerobic threshold, lol, best i can do, google them both and it should explain



  3. 1km faily fast. but you will damage your body. instead you shouyld try 5km at a comfortable pace.

  4. 30 -40 minutes would be a good average.

  5. They reckon that you should do 30 mins exercise a day, so if all you are doing is the treadmill then 30 mins of that.

    However the beauty of the gym is that there are other machines to use - cross training - so you could do 10 mins on the treadmill, 10 mins cycling and 10 mins on a cross trainer for example, to give you 30 mins.

    On the treadmill you need to go so that you get a bit out of breath at least, dont just potter along at say, 3mph, try to go at at least 6mph for 30 mins - a minimum of 3 miles in half an hour

  6. If you are not currently a regular runner you should not run on consecutive days becase you will get overuse injuries because you don't give your joints and ligaments the opportunity to build the muscular-skelletal fitness to endure this sort of impact on a daily basis.

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