
How long do i have to hold in my pee to test?

by  |  earlier

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didn't have a pee stick this morning, bought one while running errands and want to pee on it already.

my story again: don't have a regular period so i don't have the luxury of assuming the best of a missed period. been off of BC for over a year now. TCC for about a year. started taking herbal vitamins recently hoping to help regulate a bit but i was feeling symptoms which i would love to be baby, but could be PMS... so i stopped taking the vitamins just in case and want to test today... if i get a neg then i continue with vitamins, if i get a BFP i throw a party and everyone's invited! lol

(BTW: i started reading Taking Charge of your Fertility... i wish i had read this years ago....)




  1. The best is first thing in the morning. Try to wait until then because it will give you the most accurate results


  2. At least 4 hours, and don't drink alot of fluids, that will dilute your wee :)

  3. My Source tells me over night holding is best because u aint using the toilet as u do during the day that way the stick understands your urine properly.

  4. My fertility specialist told me that it is best to take it with the morning urine because your body has sat for at least 8 hours. So i suppose it would be 8 hours you would have to wait. I always buy a 2 pack test cause I know I will get home  and want to take one. Good luck and I hope everything turns out great. Babydust!

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