
How long do i have to wait between my divorce and getting remarried?

by  |  earlier

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we live in texas how long do i have to wait to get remarried




  1. I say give it a year.

    You need time to clear your head. Do not go for a rebound.

  2. From a legal standpoint, there is no waiting period under the law.

    The day your divorce is finalized and legal, you can re-marry.

  3. Never been divorced so, I really don't know.  But hope it all goes well for you.  

  4. Considering that it didn't work out well last time, you might want to think about whether you learned anything before you make the same mistake again.

  5. since this is an advice forum I am going to say let the sheets cool . I don't know how long you waited for your divorce to be final but I do think you should let your emotions settle some . It will be better on this next go around if you have some boundaries established.

  6. Wait, is this the guy you're pregnant by?

    (Your prior question stated you're pregnant..)


  7. Once the divorce is final and you have that paper you can get married again.

  8. You can marry the very next day. You just have to present your divorce papers when you get your new marriage license to show your divorce is final.  

  9. Thats stupid don't get married right away!!!!Give yourself some time and if you are pregnant don't mean you have to get married!!Good luck!!!!

  10. wait until u sure u did not pregnant from ur previous husband at lease 4 month, n dont have s*x with ur future husband! so u can be sure who will be ur biological father from ur child.

  11. The answer to your question is -- as soon as your divorce is final, but why are you moving so fast?  Many people get divorced very quickly if they jump into marriage very quickly.  I don't know your specific circumstances, but to most people I would say "take some time to think before you act."  Good luck.

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