
How long do i have to wait to drink out of a straw after getting my wisdom teeth excracted?

by  |  earlier

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i got all 4 wisdom teeth out a week and a half ago.. can i drink out of a straw yet? i went to the dentist today and he said everything is healing great.. but i forgot to ask him if i can use a straw!




  1. Yes, you can drink from a straw now. By this time, you can actually resume to solid foods and eating normally, if you haven't already started doing that. It was advised that you don't use a straw only during the period where you might be at risk for developing a dry socket by sucking out the blood clot.  

  2. Generally after a week you should be good to go. Drinking through a straw is only asked not to be done when the sockets are trying to form a blood clot. Drinking through a straw then can dislodge the clot and cause a dry socket.

  3. Call them and ask..

    When I got all my 4 teeth pulled, I was eating normal solid food and drinking out of the straw by the 5th day.

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