
How long do juviniles have to report for CSC 3 charges?

by Guest64324  |  earlier

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My son was 12 when he was charged with CSC 3. His victim was my daufghter and she was 7. He has been classified LD and was at the time of the incident. WE went to court and he was removed from my home for 8 years and when he turned 21 was able to come back home. We received a letter from Wayne County, MI Sheriff Dept. stating he has to register with the s*x Offenders Department. We never had to do this before so why now? Of course we went and registered him as we were afraid if we didn't he would be arrested. He is 28 years old now and I don't know what to do to stop having to go and register him. We are going to be moving in 3 weeks to Kentucky and I want to get this resolved. How long does he have to be punished for something he didn't know was wrong and had been threatened by another boy if he told? Thank you!!




  1. The Michigan government's web site indicates that offenders must be registered for 25 year from the time of the offense, or 10 years from the time they are placed on parole or probation, whichever is longer.

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