
How long do keloids from lip piercings last

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hey i just got my lip repierced and i think i have a keloid there. unfortunatly i took the piercing out and theres a red bump there. do keloids go away? BTW the keloids on the outside




  1. they go least mine went away without saying goodbye:} just take care of them. look out for infections'n'stuff

  2. A true keloid needs to be surgically removed but I highly doubt that's what you have

    That red bump's most likely something called hypertrophic scarring and can be cleared up with warm compresses, tea tree oil and chamomile teabag compresses (instructions: )

    Here's some more info...


    Hypertrophic scarring:

  3. sometimes they dont go away! i used tea tree oil it made it alot smaller try that if it doesnt go away in about a month go to the doc they inject stroid and it goes away

  4. Use Miracle oil or strait lavendar.

    They work, I promise.

    Getting rid of your keloid is all about how clean you keep it.

    Use salt soaks regularly and get some of the above medicine I just told you about.

    and it WILL go away.

    Good luck

  5. No, they do not go away, it is a type of scar.  Did they not ask if you get keloids before they did the piercing?  Everyplace I know of and have used asks and will not proceed if you keloid.

  6. I doubt its keloids. Keloids don't go away, and normally have to be lasered off. Everyone seems to assume every other bump is a keloid for some reason. But they're quite rare... people normally know if they are prone to keloids.

    Its probably just hypertrophic scarring, or normal scarring. It'll go away eventually. Though you can use a dab of emu oil once a day to help, if you're not vegetarian. Or a warm cammomile teabag compress

  7. make a paste of a crushed up aspirin. It has to be aspirin like bayer. NOT ibuprofen, acetimonophen, so on. Crush it and add a tiny bit of water to make a paste. apply it to the keloid and just leave it on for a long time. They say 20 minutes but I left it on for hours. Do it twice a day and it will be gone in no time. It took mine 2 days to go away. Trust me. It works. You can even google it and see that lots of people do it.

    EDIT: The girl above me is wrong. Just do what I said. They will eventually go away on their own but it can take a long time. the aspirin works in a day or 2.

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