
How long do kids usually stay off school or nursery for when they have chicken pox?

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My little boy has just come out in the spots this morning

I will be ringing his nursery of Monday to let them know but I just wanted a rough idea of how long they usually take to clear up




  1. always thought it was 10 days so monday week is about right

  2. About 7-10days. Until they have all crusted over.

  3. Rubbish, rubbish and more rubbish...they are only contagious until the spots scab over, they are not contagious for weeks and weeks.

  4. My 5 year old is just recovering from it. I kept him off school for a week, he has still got a couple of scabs and it will be 2 weeks today from when he got them. The infectious period is over when the spots scab. My son was actually fine with them and only complained for one night that they were itchy, I also gave him piriton (for kids) and that seemed to take the itch out of them.

  5. As soon as the spots have scabbed over he will be fine to go back into nursery as they're not contagious anymore.

    They normally take roughly a week to a week and a half :)

  6. Usually until they have dried up because thats when they are clearing up, this usually being a week. I work in a nursery setting and this is what the incubation period is!

  7. About two weeks.

  8. a week or two dont worry it will be gone soon just home school him for know

  9. What's wrong with you people.! Chicken Pox = Shingles!

  10. At his age I would say about a week. Buy some Piriton it works way better on the itching than calamine which only works for a very short while.

    My little boy was only 6 months when he got it....I was 32. It didn't knock a feather out of him whereas I thought I was dying....

  11. my grand daughter has just had 2 weeks off the day she returned to school her little sister came out in spots

  12. I think they say until the last one has dried up & that can depend on how badly he has it, but shouldn't be longer than a week.

    Hope he hasn't got too many, they can be nasty, poor little chap, still its good to get them out of the way now!

    You may even find some mothers will be happy to have your little man around so that they can get it out of the way now too - I know my sister and her friends did that!


    You were lucky, I have three siblings who've had them but I never got them. Nightmare since I've been pregnant I can tell you! I had to wait months for my imunity test to come back - it showed +ve for exposure and immunity, guess I'm just lucky!

    Be careful when he does go back if he still has the scabs, its losing the scabs that can leave those deep scars, my sister has a couple and she hates them.

  13. Based on my children's experience,  with medications prescribed by doctor, we let them stay home for at least one week until all the infections are gone and we are sure they are feeling well and would not also transmit the disease to their classmates.

  14. The spots usually die a few days after applying the lotion an when the spots are dead they arent contagious!! So it will only be compulsory to keep him off 3 days approx

  15. usually about a week

  16. Ruffly a week or two . After they dry up and he stops running a fever. Also a few tips . Try to make sure as bad as he will want to not let him each it will only spread them more and result in prolonging it . To cool the itch try giving him a chamomile/oatmeal bath , and Calamine lotion . Hope he feels better soon.

  17. my daughter (2) and son when he was 3 weeks old just had it and its when all the pox have dried up x

  18. 2-3 weeks.

    We had an outbreak at our local carers and she advised those who were infected to take 2-3 weeks.

    I haven't had them neither have my kids - Your poor darling.

    Hope it's a quick recovery


  19. a week after the spots go away. i think its a good idea to make your kid get them if another kid has them as long as they are healthy. so that they cant get them while they are older when it is deadly.

  20. Well when I had chicken pox ( I was in year 4) I was off school for a week and 3 days. Just to be safe not to spread them.

    But once they are dried up and not so red, they are no longer infectious, i went to school with little scabs, but not many.

    I would wait at least a week before taking him back.

    Make sure you put the calomile lotion on 2/3 times a day over his whole body, and then in between on individual spots if really itchy!

    Hope I helped :)

  21. Yep usually about a week until they have gone crusty. My 3 yr old had them recently and she was off nursery for a week. She was very popular with other mums who wanted to get it out the way too and got invited round to several friends while she was contagious.

    Hope he recovers quickly and doesn't get too itchy.

  22. when all the spots have dried up and gone but they are usually contagious 4 days before they get the spots. so i would say about a week or 2 if it is really bad.

  23. a week, normally. :D

    i've had it before. and it took me a week to recover

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