
How long do police keep you on file for a caution?

by  |  earlier

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i got caught stealing when i was 15 im now 20 and was wondering if i would still have a police file or if it would of been dismissed as i only got a caution?




  1. It is confidential as being juvenile, but unlikely expunged unless you did the foot work for that.  It will not come back on a criminal history for employment, but a cop can always look it up..  

  2. My question is.....were you charged or just sent home with a warning. A "caution" I do not know what that is. Being 15 means you were a juvenile at the time and now you are an adult. I would think that your juvenile record has been expunged by now and by that I mean it has been destroyed. Agencies work differently on destroying records so I would be hard pressed to tell you "YES" it is gone. Sorry...........

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