
How long do pork chops take to cook in the oven

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At 190?

and how do I know when they are cooked?





  1. This entirely depends on the thickness of the chop and temperature of your oven.  At 190 C (375 F) I would cook a 1 inch pork chop about 40 minutes in the center of the oven.  Thicker chops would require more time, while thinner chops a shorter period.  You know your pork chops are done when a meat thermometer reads 74 C (165 F).  Take them out at that point, cover with foil, and allow to rest for about 5 minutes.  They will continue to cook a short while and allow the juices to settle.

  2. 45 minutes depending on how thick

  3. Get a meat thermometer. Their chealer thatn food poisoning.

    180 degrees near but not touching the bone.

    Remember: Red near the bone, leave it alone.

  4. they will be a white color when its done and not long at all 30 min tops

  5. Usually it takes around 30 to 40 minutes. If it's quite thick, it's very likely to take as long as 40 minutes. You can use a fork to pierce the pork (go for the biggest one) after 30 minutes, if it's nicely cooked as you expected, you'll know all your pork chops are well cooked. But I strongly recommend you chop them in small pieces before cooking, this will give you a much better taste of the meat.  

  6. Does it not say it on the packaging??

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