My teenage son had sealants applied to his molars when he was quite young. I don't remember his age, but I believe it was around 8-9 years old. His last dental check up (we changed dentists due to insurance reasons), we were informed his sealants had come off so we had them re-applied. That was 6 months ago and today during his routine cleaning, I was informed his sealants were gone and needed to be re-done - AGAIN! His diet hasn't changed and he takes good care of his teeth.
1. How long do sealants traditionally last?
2. How can I tell if the sealants are gone because they did a poor job applying them?
My insurance only covers 1 application of sealants, which were done years ago. The ones set 6 months ago came out of my pocket, and now it looks as though I'm going to have to pay again!