
How long do starters stay in...?

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With this being the 3rd week of preseason and only one more week to go. How long will the starters stay in?




  1. usually starters play longer the 2nd and 3rd games, but it depends on the coach and what he wants to do, he may want to see the starters out longer so some starters may stay in till the 3rd quarter this week.  

  2. depends on your coach, and how the game is going, and how good your bench is, and how good your starters are, and if anyone gets injured...lots of variables

  3. In pre-season they usually play a quarter. The coach does not want to risk of any injury to the QB.

  4. I think the starters will continue the same trend of starting a quarter and a half.  But it is really up to the coach to decide that.  Sometimes the closer we get towards the regular season you may see the starters stay in for an extended period of time.  The coaches may do this, because they want their starters to be fresh, and ready to go, and knock some of the rust off.  The worst thing you want is to have your players going into the regular season rusty, and not prepared.  There is a fine line when extending your starters time in the game during the preseason.  If the starters stay in too long, then there is a greater chance of injury.  If they don't stay in long enough then the starters may become rusty.  So it all depends on what the coach wants to do and his style.. There is no set time period as we close the preseason..  

  5. Well on average the first half. They let the starters play more in the third game, because they use the first two to pick more who is staying on the roster. Then in the third game the idea is to get the starters more to speed. In the last game you let them rest a little more so they don't get hurt for the actual game.

  6. That's all up to the coach. But the 3rd preseason game is generally looked at as the regular season dress rehearsal. Most teams play their starters more in game 3 than any other, usually at least the entire first half...maybe a couple series into the 3rd qtr.

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