
How long do u think it will take 4 global warming 2 kill the polar bears?

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Will all the polar bears be gone in 50 years?




  1. Take 20 people and put them on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. Leave them there for 40 years. They flourish and quadruple in population. Now, take away the island they are living on. What do you have left? 160 dead people floating in the ocean. It's happening. the Earth will warm more and more no matter what we do. We will go through another ice age as well. Climate change is natural, but the trash pile floating in the ocean the size of Texas is not natural. Stop using plastic if you want to make a difference.

  2. At present the polar bare population has increased 300%... Global Warming is a scam to make money off your ignorance..

  3. It takes about a minute for a .44cal bullet to kill one and there are millions of them . If they survied that they will survive some melting ice.

  4. You are so ignorant. Media is creating fear after fear and people like you are falling for it. Global warming is just a theory, icebergs are forming in antartica, antartica is getting colder. why dont you try micheal crichton's state of fear

  5. Well considering they survived the Roman optimum and the Medieval Optimum when the arctic was virtually ice free in summer for more than a hundred years I would say they would have no problems. Remember they are called sea bears for a reason, they have been frequently seen swimming hundreds of miles from any ice flows or land. You really need to cross check political rhetoric with current and historical facts before getting into a panic over things.

  6. Not this year. The ice pack is bigger this year than it was last year.

  7. There is certainly no indication that global warming has had or will have any effect on polar bear populations.  I know this is a rumor that has been drifting around, likely because of Al Gore's movie, but there's nothing to it.  It's extremely difficult because of vast terrain and inhospitable conditions to get a precise measure of the current total number of polar bears, but the best we can do put them at between 22-25 thousand worldwide which is about 5 times what it was in the 1950's.

    Their way of life in not currently threatened as far as we can measure, and nothing dramatic has occurred in their environment that would change their numbers in the future.  Unless it does, they will continue to live as usual.

    Back to Al Gore's movie for a moment, and I know everyone here is tired of talking about it, but...when someone makes a documentary about something I think they should do their utmost to try and be sure it's accurate.  I really believe that when polar bears were mentioned in An Inconvenient Truth there was a deliberate and intentional attempt to create support for his global warming movement by lying, and hoping nobody would notice.  It's a bit weird though, did Al think that there isn't anyone around who knows the real situation?  It's hard to stay silent when you've been sh*t upon.

  8. Probably not "all" the polar bears will be gone in 50 years, but a significant decline is projected.  The USGS did an assessment of the situation this year and came to the following overall conclusion:

    "Projected changes in future sea ice conditions, if realized, will result in loss of approximately 2/3 of the world’s current polar bear population by the mid 21st century. Because the observed trajectory of Arctic sea ice decline appears to be underestimated by currently available models, this assessment of future polar bear status may be conservative."

    Here's their full summary:

  9. Global warming will not kill them.   Melting of the ice will make it hard for them to catch their food and starvation will kill them.

  10. Polar Bear populations are thriving.

    Who/What is messing with your head..... the libbies or Gore??

  11. I see you think Reuters is telling the truth. Well, just know that Reuters is owned by the rothschild/rockefellers and when they say something, you can bet it is for their own purposes of causing chaos to push people into fears and/or make them buy stuff that they're selling -like products made by Dupont.

    See -it's all interconnected. Find out who owns what, and you'll be amazed how easily the news is manipulated and why they will tell you what best helps them.

  12. about the same amount of time that it would take a parakeet to peck its way through a bank vault door...


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