
How long do we wait for PM Rudd to stop talking like a little kid, and start acting like a grown-up PM? ?

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How long do we wait for PM Rudd to stop talking like a little kid, and start acting like a grown-up PM? ?




  1. For some considerable time, going by his employment history. He used to be a diplomat, didn't he? He listened during the wrong parts of his training, I would say.

  2. Probably when you become a paid up member of the LABOR party.

  3. I for one have had just about enough of the childish behaviour of our elected PM. If most of the voters thought he was only capable of communicating on the level of a grade 2 schoolgirl, he wouldn't be running the country now, I'm sure.

    The 'tongue-out' delivery of words is embarrassing. The g*y way he moves his arms around is a disgrace. He cannot say anything that is not scripted. He's out of his depth at all levels except on tours of schools for photo opportunities for media.

    What an international embarrassment for this great country.

    How long do we have to wait?

    I'd say it's never going to happen. The nerd only knows one way of communicating, and that's through childish appearance and manner.

    Please, someone kick this fellow in the rear, or rack him off and get a decent bloke to take over!

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