
How long do you ____after virginity lose?

by  |  earlier

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i lost my virgintiy aug 2nd and bleed atleast two weeks strate afterwards. i got my period a week after bleeding stop. and now i have a funny smell HELP ME




  1. Bleeding after s*x is not good, esp not for 2 weeks! sounds to me like you have a tear thats infected. You need to see your doctor asap!

  2. once you start having s*x you should get a pap done anyways so book an appoitment with your family doctor and just explain you would like to get a full check up. You should be honest with your doctor and you have no reason not to because anything you tell them is private and is illegal to discuss with anyone else so your parents will not find out. I only had a few blood spots so you really really really should go to the doctor!!

  3. That does not sound normal at all. I bled maybe for a few minutes after losing my virginity.

    Was it rough s*x? Maybe you have something torn up inside you, IDK but you should see a doctor

  4. Your body is changing. It happens after s*x. Hormones kick in and things will start happening. Douche with non scented douches and have regular pap smears.

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