
How long do you experts if they exist here (certainly don't in our Govt today anyway)?

by  |  earlier

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think that this recession will last and will prices of property go down and stay down. I just can't see this happening, I believe we will go back to the sorry state of ordinary working class people renting and only doctors and lawyers and business people being able to buy. Do you agree? Or you could always have a baby, that qualifies you for a flat where I live, regardless of the waiting list and other more serious health reasons to have decent house.




  1. Looks that way I'm afraid.

    By the way, it is three kids by different fathers not just one baby.

    That way if anyone doesn't play ball they can shout ''I'll have you know, I'm a single parent on benefits and all my kids have got an antisocial disorder so everyfink must be free''.

    ''And wotchit cuz I've gorra Slista, ana Soshul Werka''.

    I've left out a few of the adjectives normally used.

    It does help too if you are an oppressed Sanctuary Applicant with a new Merc and gold teeth.

  2. How long will it last? going off what the 'experts' say we have at least another two years to go.  Thing is if you want to rule a country as a dictator, you first have to take out the middle class, you are then left with the very rich and very poor, and as Monsanto want to take over all world food supplies so they can introduce their GM rubbish, it's going their way, but the people are not ready yet to retaliate, there's a lot of belly aching, but a lot are not yet ready to get off their butts, we have to wait until they get hungry.

  3. Well if you are referring to life in the UK,I am sure Poverty will increase to unprecedented levels . What do you expect when rich individuals are owning some 30 to 40 properties and buying up more and more. They get good returns in Rent, and overcrowd the properties with illegals in hiding. A young couple has very little chance of getting to compete with the ability to outbid a multiple property owner with his income

    There should be a law limiting Property Speculators .

  4. the fundamentals show that we are ****** indefinitely until we either create a new currency or dismantle the Federal Reserve and replace it with a real Federal Reserve. Do I dare explain it? I'll try...

    Fed Reserve = private corporation

    subprime market failures cause general mortgage failures which causes lenders to go belly up (but those with buddies in the Fed Reserve get bailed out) and continue to flood the system with liquidity, not just form unreturned credit to illegals but also the trillians that are printed from nothing, lent to the Government and then used as labor insentive to expand empire, where they pay for the interest with tax revenue...The faillures in mortgage/finance industries feed of eachother like feedback from a microphone, not only from excessive liquidity but also from badly diversified mutual funds some of which (even the most conservative) had up to 30% in mortages.

    conclusion: it's entirely engineered, not uncontrollable market conditions

  5. I agree and have done many times, and many times i ask the same question... who's gonna fight for there reasons? I'm willing to...

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