
How long do you have before a landlord can take your household items?

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How long do you have before a landlord can take your household items?




  1. In our state, an eviction notice MUST be delivered by the sheriff and signed for as proof of receipt.  An eviction notice from the landlord is not legal and not enforceable.  Once you have the legal notice from the sheriff, you can go and have a court date set up.  You CANNOT be evicted before this date.  You will then go to court, tell your side of the story, provide evidence, etc.  The judge will then make a decision.  It is usually 30 days from the court date when you have to vacate and have all personal property removed from the premises.

  2. Do you mean in an eviction process?  If so, the landlord will serve you with a notice of eviction.  You as a tenant will have a date to go to housing court to state your side.  If you do not show the landlord will then go to court again to file for notice to vacate, this will give you a specific date and to remove your belongings from the property if you do not comply then he/she will serve you with the eviction, this is when the Marshall comes in and moves your stuff out.

    This all can take within two weeks or a month.  It really depends on how fast the courts/landlord or you take to file...

    Look up your states housing court and see what their policies are.  I am from CT, a landlord myself, and have done several evictions.

  3. It depends on your local and state laws. It also depends on the landlord. Do a search that includes your state's name.

    law+eviction+your state

  4. Once you were evicted, and you gave reasonable notice that you were moved out, and it appears so, the landlord can take your things. My landlord tried this (we wanted to end the lease so we didn't pay and moved out before the eviction) because he saw our moving permit on the door. He changed the locks the day he saw us taking things out. We called the cops. They went inside with us and made sure everything was out.

    Your landlord isn't the governing law. If he locked you out, call the cops. Take everything out ASAP and dont' leave anything behind. Good luck!

    P.S. it's wise to move out as soon as you see that eviction notice. If you refuse to move, they can take your things as soon as they think you've abandoned your property.

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