
How long do you have to be in labor before you can have an epidural?

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I'm pregnant with my first and I'm wondering about this. I'm a nurse and I know that patients usually have to dilate to about 4cm before an epidural will be given, but how long does it usually take to get that far with a first baby? Any tips from someone who had an epidural with her first child would be appreciated.




  1. hi went in at 7 in the morning had ep at 10 am baby at 4 30 pm

  2. it took me about 3 1/2 hours before i got to 4 cm, but as soon as i was 4 iwas ready for my epidural, and thank god for epidurals i would recommend them to anyone who is going to have a baby!! i relaxed so much at had my daughter 2 hours later!! so good luck to you.  

  3. I got induced at 8:00pm and had the epidural around 4:00pm the next day. Had my baby (my first, one and only) at 9:00 pm that night. So 25 hrs of labor. And just so you know a spinal headache is a nasty side effect of the epidural, which I happened to get, and I was literally bed ridden for a week after I delivered. It was the WORST headache of my life, I couldn't even lift my head up from my pillow, let alone actually get out of bed. The 5 hours of pain relief (which didn't completely get rid of the pain) was not worth the week long headache I had. I'd never get an epidural again.

  4. Different with every girl. My friend had a baby monday, she was at 1cm forever, so they broke her water then took about 7 hours to get to 4cm! But they said it was because her cervix wasn't soft yet. So it depends on the woman and situation.

    My friend had no complications from the epidural. She slept through all her contractions, from 4cm-10cm took about 12 hours. Afterwards she's been fine, same with my sister in law-no headaches for either one.

  5. How long does it take?  How long is a piece of string?

    There is no schedule for this, and the process will vary from patient to patient.  It's more of an issue of progress than timing.   Some women progress very quickly, others take, quite literally, days.

    There's no real point in getting people to tell you how long it took for them, because that won't guarantee anything for you.

    Add: why the thumbs down?  What have I said that is factually inaccurate?

    Or would you rather I said "three hours" and give the patient unrealistic expectations and inaccurate information?

  6. I just had my first baby 5 months ago.  It was a wonderful experience.  I went from 0 to 4 in an hour and was only in labor a total of 8 hours.  My doctor would not give me my epidural until I was at 6 but I was never in much pain at all.

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