
How long do you have to play volleyball to get a scholarship?

by Guest31944  |  earlier

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scholarship for volleyball




  1. It depends where you are playing volleyball. Playing in high school is good but most college coaches watch more club tournaments. Just because they get to see alot of girls all at one time. Whats most important is that you put yourself out there playing club is a great step but there are thousands of girls who also play.

    The best thing to do is to find about five schools that you really want to go to. Find out the coaches information and info on the team and start sending letters or emails. what is also good to do is to get a tape of you playing volleyball not just games, some hitting and blocking drills will help too so the coach can get an idea of how you play.

    This will help set you apart from others and also let the coach know that you have initiative and drive, which are very important qualities of a volleyball player.

  2. it really doesnt matter how long you have been playing as long as you good enough. If you want to play for a division I school then you should probably play for a long time and play club, but if you are thinking a junior college or Division III school i really dont think it matters.

  3. idk if theres a specific amount of long as your really good

  4. I have a scholorship to hawaii and offers from alot of Southren Cali schools. I have been playing volleyball for 7 years, and club volleyball for 6 years. If you want a scholorship you MUST play club!!!! school is NOT enough!!! Also go and you be the recruiter!!! Send videos and write letters to the college of your choice.

  5. I don't know that there's a time length, but you've got to prove to a Div 1 school that you're worth the money, so I'd say the more experience you have the better.  They probably won't give it to a first year player.

  6. They give scholarships for volleyball?

  7. You can get free scholarship info here:

  8. u dont have to have a certian number of years you just have to be a kick *** player

  9. I think you have to play it for probably a year or half a year.

  10. It really depends on which school you are talking to and what your skill level is. If you can show them that you are very good, or you can play the position they need more players to fill, it should be easy to get you a scholarship.

    One of my coworkers' son got scholarship from two schools in NY area, for "playing" Golf (should be more "competitive"). He only signed up with a local Youth league and did his regular drive-range-practice (as required) for a year in high school, without being part of any competition not to say any award.

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